happy bits
What's made me happy thus far on this glorious fall morning ...
~ The print catalog is finished and ready to print. The last hurdle was putting together my palette card, this one goes to the reps with the samples and a cropped photo version is on the price list page. Oh yes, I'm quite pleased with the finished product. You know, God is in the details ...
~ The print catalog is finished and ready to print. The last hurdle was putting together my palette card, this one goes to the reps with the samples and a cropped photo version is on the price list page. Oh yes, I'm quite pleased with the finished product. You know, God is in the details ...
~ Perusing the current issue of Selvedge while munching on breakfast and sipping tea and discovering new treasures to lust after. RoughLinen.com ... oh my, I want it all.
~ And I'm really lusting after this overcoat from Margaret Howell ... at just under $1300, it's not going to be in my closet anytime soon.
~ And then later today, I'm going to be super happy ... my brother just got a zotzy new Canon camera and is passing on his Nikon digital SLR to his lil' sis ... and it's due to arrive this afternoon.
Now, I'm on to taking product shots for the website. Trying to decide on a background and the overall 'look' I want to convey. So, for the rest of the day, I'll be printing catalogs and taking pictures and sipping tea and enjoying the warm embrace of all these happy bits.
blessings - kvk