feelin' wabi-sabi

Some days I wake up in a thick fog and struggle to move through the day; some days feel all rhinestone sparklie; today I'm feelin' kind of wabi-sabi.  Could be the pieces I'm working on ...

Gotta admit, I'm pretty obsessed with these right now.  Nice to know my galleries are feeling the same way.  It's always interesting, after all the designing and problem solving and assembling and pricing and catalog organization, to start actually producing the work.

Could be the tools I use ... toothpicks and drinking straws, coffee stirrers and crimp beads stuck on the ends of bamboo skewers, vintage clay tools from my pottery days and strips of crusty card stock and why magenta plastic wrap makes me so happy ...

It helps that the sun's pouring in ...

And that there's a lovely dusting of snow and I don't have to leave the house ...

And that Pat Metheny is playing in the studio.  I started my workday with one of my favorites - Speaking of Now.  We got to see them perform most of this album, absolutely incredible.  I do love Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays.  First time Dave saw them it was free, first time I saw them it was 1980 and $4 at Ruby Diamond Auditorium at FSU, next time it was 1983 and $12 at the old refurbished theatre in Bellingham, WA, next time was 2005 and $45 at the Paramount in Seattle, still incredibly reasonable considering they played for 3 hours.  The first cut from Speaking of Now ...

I'm trying to figure out why I'm calling my morning mood wabi-sabi.  Seems to be this - I'm feeling inspired and motivated, but most of all grounded and at peace with a bit of a happy tingling sensation lurking in the background.  I've also got something from Danielle's blog as my new theme - rather than visualize possibility, visualize done.  That's feeling much more better.

One more cut to swing on out.  This one just makes you feel so good, Afternoon from Speaking of Now (okay so this visuals are not so nice, but the tune is sweet sweet) ...

This will be me, visualizing my goals and aspirations - DONE!
on this frigid Tuesday morn, with gratitude and joyous blessings - kvk
Kathy Van KleeckComment