empty mind

Interesting time right now.
Feeling somewhat blank, open, not focused but not out of focus, maybe empty, most likely recuperating from 5 months of being wonderfully inspired and intensely driven.  I've gone from being totally absorbed, traveling a well drawn path, hands full to brimming ...

to empty hands, mind at rest, path unclear ...

I'm keenly aware of the opportunity that lies in an empty hand.  I'm not forcing myself to get busy or accomplish anything.  It probably helps that I've got a cold in full bloom and have absolutely no energy.  

I've mingled in bits of Christmas treasures among the existing ones ...

I've watched the snow pile up on Christmas weekend ...

And watched the snow melt in time for the New Year.  You can hear the remnants dripping into the downspout while we watch a very special New Year's Day visitor ...

I've been reading novels with absolutely no redeeming value, lush contemporary gothic fluff from a newly discovered author, Kate Morton and gone to see The King's Speech twice.

I plan to not have plans for as long as I feel compelled to make no plans.  I'll try not to fret and will no doubt make some effort to do a few necessary things.  Since my birthday I've taken on the challenge of following the path of least resistance and it's served me quite well so far.  In my current state of a relatively empty mind, I want to pay close attention to what piques my curiosity, no judgment, no filtering. 

Empty mind and an unclear path - what a wonderful present in this new year!

with deep gratitude and warmest blessings - kvk

p.s.  accompaniment to a quiet winter's day.  Joni's still the best, but this is darn close.