the root of it

Winding down for now.
The afternoon's been a satisfying mix of physical labor - there's now a path up our driveway, journal writing and book thumbing, tea drinking, a decadent lunch of a white sweet potato with a bit of butter and some spiced walnuts left over from Christmas, followed by a luxurious shower and slathering on of some new deliciously fragrant body lotion.

Coming back to my writing/meditation nook, I once again picked up Oneness.  I pulled it out last night; reading sections before bed usually helps me sleep.  Here's the highlighted section I landed on last night and which I've come back to this afternoon. 

This is, I am most certain, the most challenging thing for me to move through and where I have invariably sabotaged myself.  I am a master at trying to mastermind.  I really would like to stop. 
Wish me luck.

blessings - kvk