components update

Well, best laid plans and all that...........
I really thought I'd get some new pieces up on Etsy today.  Thing is, I started hauling out all my little bins of components and decided to sell a few more than I was first thinking.  Please keep in mind, selling my components is something I rarely do and, having had someone buy my components, have the pieces cast then sell them as copyrighted originals, I always do it very mindfully.  So, that said ... I got a bit carried away culling little treasures to share on Etsy.  There's the pricing, which took awhile, but then I spent the better part of the afternoon playing around with how I want to photograph them.  Finally, I hit on a look that I like, but by then it was too late to really dive in.  So I thought I'd do a quick post to pique your curiosity.  Here's the assortment that I hope to get listed tomorrow .......

And this is a closeup of one of the necklaces I designed for the gemstone stacker beads.  I'm really loving the look of the 1mm leather cord with the brown waxed linen wrap.  I spent at least a couple of days this week trying out different looks for the necklace component.  I still want to use my handcut leather, but need to work on the details.  I've also done a fun closure on the bead chain.  I slid one of my KVK buttons on the chain and wired the end to keep it from sliding off.  Then I wired the other end into a loop.  I think it looks very cool and it seems to function nicely.  You can see it better in the above photo. 

I'm actually going to re-shoot these, but here's a couple of closeups of the gemstone beads.  These are the large rings with sapphires and rubies.  They've got a wonderful heft - no lightweight beads here - and average 12 x 5mm.  They'll sell for $42 each ...

And this is one of the medium size gemstone rings with yellow sapphires.  It's about 10 x 5mm and will be $36.  And, yes, I will be doing these in actual 'ring' sizes with the PMC Pro.  Really looking forward to those.

Okay, that's it for now.  I should be back tomorrow after I get some goodies up on Etsy.

spring blessings and heartfelt prayers for Japan, the earthquake victims and their families.  Having experienced the 7.2 Loma Prieta quake in '89, I can't begin to imagine the force of this one.
- kvk