WOW, what a week!

Goodness, it's been quite a week.  You may recall my recent resolutions about intention and motivation  - I can't keep doing the same things and expect different results coupled with staying awake and aware of things that, for better or for worse, catch my attention and pique my curiosity.  This week, it's been everything from getting back into my yoga practice to cleaning up one of the front door hinges, switching the cushions around on the sofa to attending a couple of events at the Asheville version of Hatch.  I've been following my nose and my heart, seeing where my eye sticks and my mind wanders and it probably has something to do with spring cleaning, but it's been very satisfying to address all those little nit-picky annoying things around the house.

Business is good!  Working on orders, checking in with my local gallery, writing more orders and, while waiting for pmc components to fire and then tumble, I fired my little pinch pots with their mason stain washes ... the results are not quite what I had in mind.

They're not intended for food and I don't want to use glazes but, in the past, I've had good results with acrylics ... so later this month, when orders are out the door, I'll pull out my paint box and see what happens. 

Then there's the healthy stuff ... making up a big batch of super yummy veggie juice and morning yoga.  Okay, so let's just say that the yoga thing is a challenge ... oof - after the first day, those sore 'wings' from repeated chaturanga's.  I am weak as a kitten and facing a long road back to the strength and flexibility of last year - a good road, but a long one. 

But the biggest out there happening for the week was attending a couple of events from the Hatch Festival.  I knew all this was going on, but in typical KVK fashion, figured it didn't apply to me or wouldn't be anything I might be interested in.  A feature article in Thursday's paper changed my mind - almost.  It took getting out my little pendulum and giving it a swing to sway me into mobilizing my backside.

Thursday was a panel discussion called "Maximizing Digital Marketing for Creative People" ... two hours, five bucks, what the heck.  So I got on my 'artist garb' and headed downtown, did lots of observing, asked a fair number of questions and picked up a couple of techie tid-bits.  I now have a 'QR' code for my website.  I had seen these little barcode looking thingies, but had no idea what they were.  Got home, googled "QR generator", et voila, here's the QR code for my website. 
So the thing is, if you have one of those smart phones, you can scan this code and it will link you directly to my website ... who knew?  Of course, I don't have one of those phones - my cell phone is about 7 years old and doesn't do anything but make phone calls.  But if you did, well here you go.

I redesigned my business card and included my new little gizmo.  Also turns out the tech guys on the panel think 'apps' are going to be the next big thing for individuals and creative types - linking all your web presence into one of those smart phone applications.  That one's going to be a good ways down the road for this little luddite.

 Here's the info side of the new business card ...

Then on Saturday, Dave talked me into venturing out rather than staying hunkered down and working for the duration.  One thing lead to another and I ended up donning more artsy garb and attending my second Hatch event - their fashion show.  Turns out the best part of the fashion show was before the show.  I was early (I'm always early) so I decided to check out the new Grove Arcade location of Niche, a boutique that carries lines like Blue Fish and Cynthia Ashby.  I've been following the shop on-line for years, so it was fun to finally see it in person.  Ah, but then there was the serendipitous part ...  in the spirit of putting myself out there and stretching my boundaries, I kind of horned in on a conversation between the owner, Colleen, and a woman that was wearing some seriously cool and obviously artisan made clothing.  Turns out the nattily dressed woman was the designer/maker and I had read an article about her in a local women's mag - Valerie HohHere's the article

This is the back of the dress she was wearing ...

And the bag she was carrying ...

Also turns out she's a potter and is interested in metal clay and, after her friend arrived, we kept on chatting, watched the fashion show and continued chatting over iced beverages at a little cafe.  We're planning on doing some metal clay tutorials and trading and who knows what else.

Wow, am I ever glad I ventured out into the world.  With such amazing results I guess I'll  keep following that ever-wandering gaze of mine.   
Ah yes, onward!
blessings - kvk