
I got this email from a customer and thought I'd pass it on ...

"A friend and I are doing our diligence in having a platform for women where women in disadvantaged places around the world like haiti, brazil, rwanda would provide some materials (like painted acai berries or prepared recycled material) that would be then incorporated into pieces handmade by local women artisans.  The umbrella organization is called Mothering Across Continents (www.motheringacrosscontinents.org).  We are in search of local artisans that would be willing to make a piece(s) for our test trial to see how the concept is embraced.  Would you or do you know anyone that may be interested in participating?

If anyone's interested, leave a comment and I'll send you Courtney's email address.

l i g a - kvk
Kathy Van Kleeck3 Comments