tempering and sustainability ...
... those are my words for today.
Tempering my initial enthusiasm for my new workout DVD will lead to a more sustainable practice (but I've lost 6lbs!).
When I've got a bit of money in the bank, tempering my urge to buy stuff will lead to keeping money in the bank and furthering my goals for our sustainable future.
Tempering and focusing my wildly diverse interests as I grow my business will allow me to make more significant contributions to causes I want to support. I already make regular contributions to our local food bank and I'm looking for a young adult literacy or creative writing program to support, plus I'm really interested in bio-fuels and the untapped potential of algae. Right now, green energy and building are exciting me the most ... sustainable!
Tempering my compulsion to get lost on the computer allows for a more productive day and sustains my creativity.
Further tempering my OCD nature to dance around my studio to the Michael Beckwith's album TranscenDance and get righteously inspired..
Pacing my work days, taking breaks, listening to the cicadas, finding time to enjoy my summer flowers ...
Yep, this will be me tempered and sustainable, chillin' and being productive and inspired and groovin' to the good tunes.
Have a beautiful summer day!
l i g a - kvk
Tempering my initial enthusiasm for my new workout DVD will lead to a more sustainable practice (but I've lost 6lbs!).
When I've got a bit of money in the bank, tempering my urge to buy stuff will lead to keeping money in the bank and furthering my goals for our sustainable future.
Tempering and focusing my wildly diverse interests as I grow my business will allow me to make more significant contributions to causes I want to support. I already make regular contributions to our local food bank and I'm looking for a young adult literacy or creative writing program to support, plus I'm really interested in bio-fuels and the untapped potential of algae. Right now, green energy and building are exciting me the most ... sustainable!
Tempering my compulsion to get lost on the computer allows for a more productive day and sustains my creativity.
Further tempering my OCD nature to dance around my studio to the Michael Beckwith's album TranscenDance and get righteously inspired..
Pacing my work days, taking breaks, listening to the cicadas, finding time to enjoy my summer flowers ...
echinacea bud
a double red echinacea ... frilly!
I absolutely adore crocosmia ... reminds me of Port Townsend
and nasturtiums remind me of our little cottage up the coast from Santa Cruz ... my all time favorite house and location
and butterfly bush just makes me plain old happy
Have a beautiful summer day!
l i g a - kvk