the enormity of it all ...
Gifts often come in strange packages ...
Earlier today, I read an article that was linked on a friend's FB feed. It's been bugging me ever since. Mainly it calls into question much of my recent life's m.o. and several long-time sources of inspiration. Of course, the whole point of these kinds of articles is to get people to thinking, move them out of their comfort zones and take a closer look at core beliefs ... job well done. And it must be resonating deeply with a lot of folks as the site ( seems to have crashed or something 'cause it says "bandwith limit exceeded" when I click on the link. Hah, update ... just went to the author's site, so here's the link.
The article is called "White Lady Sisterhood Needs to Evolve", written by Rachael Rice and I admit that i agree with much of what she puts forth. But I disagree with about an equal portion. I don't really want to argue the specifics of the article, but rather honor the dis-ease it engendered and take a look at that.
It seems especially pertinent as I am in the midst of redefining how I navigate my universe and my business and sit on the verge of re-launching my Talismans. I often wonder what is the bloody point of it all? Does anything I make have any significance on any kind of scale? Is everything I do just spiffed up ornament or glorified trinkets for navel gazing?
All I can answer is that my inspirations and motivations and creative urges "feel" genuinely spirit inspired, authentic and worthwhile ... no ulterior motives, no sneaky Pete backstories.
So, I'll take a step back ...
I'm acutely aware that it's easy to fall into the Suzy Creamcheese, Pollyanna, happy-bottom platitudes of much of current pop spirituality. I recently glommed onto the cheerleading/pre-launch team for a prominent internet maven/guru's book launch. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I thought it would be joining a community, finding an outlet for my emerging "tending a handmade life" voice. I got an advance PDF of the book and joined the private, "exclusive" FB group (an intimate 1000 peeps). OY ... Okay, the book did have a few fresh morsels ... a few. I could have gone along for the ride, but the FB group was exactly what Ms. Rice is bemoaning ... a lot of white women searching and grasping for connection and acceptance.
It was just too "too" and was flat out giving me the willies ... which is probably why reading this article is hitting quite so close to home ... I've been there ... recently. As for the book pre-launch/cheerleading team, I reneged on my part of the deal. I cancelled my pre-order of the book, I un-joined the FB group and unsubscribed from the emails. I didn't feel too awful as one of her daily words of wisdom emails was "you are free to go" ... so I did.
But that begs the question, if I'm not there, then where am I?
The only thing I know for sure is that when I listen with a clear and open heart, I am being guided to where I need to go. I am not glomming onto someone else's path. It seems I am finding my own way. I know in my heart that others share this path, but we have no leader, there is no fixed set of rules or particular direction that we must follow.
I am not seeking to form a tribe. I am not seeking a place of leadership or authority. I am seeking the way of living a good, authentic life, filled with nourishing foods, well-crafted tools and life essentials, supported by deep, meaningful relationships ... I am Tending a Handmade Life and sharing the fruits of my efforts.
That is what I know, that is what I want to share. So thank you, Rachael Rice, for spurring me to clarify my motives and solidify my mission. Like I was saying ... gifts often come in strange packages ...
with deep gratitude - kvk