Sacred Space Bejeweled Capped Crystal Talisman Black Tourmaline

Sacred Space Bejeweled Capped Crystal Talisman Black Tourmaline


A powerful new series of Talismans, Sacred Space … bejeweled fine silver caps for the crystals combined with jeweled charms, crystals, rustic gems and fine silver elements.

The cap for this black tourmaline crystal is studded with a faceted peridot cube and rough peridot nuggets (1.75in long). Sliding on the 30in adjustable black leather cord are a peridot nugget and bead, a jangle of fine silver elements including a jeweled charm with faceted peridot and yellow sapphire, and a faceted vesuvianite nugget.

An indigo dyed linen blessing wrap on the cord … I associate indigo with ancestral as well as angelic connections. I say a prayer and set my blessing / intention with each wrap around the chain prior to shipping … that the wearer will experience joy and gratitude, health and well-being on a daily basis.

A powerful Capped Crystal Talisman to create a personalized Sacred Space, a point of focus, a place of comfort and support.

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