holiday happenings . . .

We went south for Thanksgiving ... had a lovely visit with Dave's family, stayed in a delightful little vacation rental with Zoe Kitty in tow (she did exceptionally well) . . .

me & Dave and his Mom

me & Dave and his Mom

. . . and came home with a seriously nasty cold.  As much as I would have loved it, I've had no time to be a good patient.  I had to finish making making making for the little holiday show I did this past weekend . . . also lovely! 

KVK at GLAM Craft Show in GVL

KVK at GLAM Craft Show in GVL

Thing is, the venue was in a real live airport hanger, complete with airplanes and helicopters landing and taking off through the day and, wouldn't you just know it . . . I lost my voice and pooped myself out even further . . . bugger!

But, there's still no time to rest - it is the holiday season after all.  So today, I've been working on taking pics and loading up a bunch of new work on the site + plus rearranging most of the jewelry.  This morning I sent out a newsletter and included a coupon code for 15% off through January 1st.  I'm also doing free shipping and extra nice gift wrap through the 1st as well.  There's still time to get in on the discount . . . just go to my contact page and sign up for the newsletter and as long I keep getting new subscribers, I'll keep sending it out. 

So far, I've got most of the necklaces and bracelets listed.  Tomorrow I'll be working on earrings, pinch pots and the new bells . . . can't wait for you to see them.  I'm going to try to attach a little sound bite or video so you can hear each one . . . we'll see!

For now, here's nice pics of the new 3 Element series . . . I am utterly smitten by these necklaces!

3 Element Necklace - blush
3 Element Necklace - russet
3 Element Necklace - salt marsh

So stay tuned for more new work and, if you feel so inclined, sign up for my newsletter to get that coupon code for some discounted holiday shopping!


l i g a - kvk