catalog 14 inspiration
Taking a snack break and a few minutes to share my current inspiration. I'm working on the jewelry for my 14th catalog and enjoying every minute of the design process. Feeling pretty jazzed about how the work is coming together, so this will be brief ... because I can't wait to get back to work!
Most mornings, while munching a bit of brekky and sipping a scalding cup of PG Tips, I've been perusing a trio of my favorite home style books. I'm so blessed to have a local library that carries all three and that, as long as no one else puts a hold on one of them, I can keep checked out for weeks! (In Detail, Hans Blomquist; Imperfect Home, Mark & Sally Bailey; The Stuff of Life, Hilary Robertson)
My favorite spread from this morning's perusing, in Imperfect Home ...
When I begin the design process for a new collection, I tend to spend a lot of time cruising through my Pinterest Fiber & Wearables board. Of course, that board is the result of hours and hours of cruising the interweb and I absolutely love having all my favorite visual juice in one place on this (seriously addictive) site. The trick is to pry myself off!
I've got several inspirational boards to pull from there, but I always start with the clothes ... jewelry's going to be worn and I love to design work that will go with my ideal wardrobe. Scrolling through I latched onto this image from a March 2014 NY Times Magazine and it's the driving force behind my latest blast of inspiration. It's also my current desktop image, so is constantly in view. Everything I'm creating would be an amazing complement to this super cool look - btw, I would love to have those vintage Levis. I've been envisioning this gorgeous shirt with single pieces or layers ... gobs of layers and having way too much fun!
Okay, snack time is over ... back to work for this little peep!
with deep gratitude - kvk