beginnings and endings
Today, I'm NOT in the studio!
Wow, guess it's been a bit since I stopped here to say HI and share what's what. Basically, I just powered through the last month of orders and traveling and shows. I'm done with all work commitments for now and decided to take the day off ... please know - I rarely take a day off. I'm always doing something that needs to be done. Hopefully it's not busy-ness for the sake of being busy, but I rarely just do something for me.
Anyway, we've got perfect weather today and after spending way too long on the computer this morning, I donned my work clothes and headed outside to putz in the yard. Mainly pulling weeds and picking up branches, but it was just a relief to be outside!
Beginnings and endings seemed appropriate for the goings on in the yard. So I snapped a few pics with the phone, not quite the lovely shots I get with the Canon, but great for now.
The very last camellia ... they've been blooming for months and have been such a joy to witness
We thought the azaleas were done and had been beat down by the rains ... not so! One last bush has burst into bloom ... lovely!
The massive stand of persian shield is a perfect mix of beginnings and endings ... glorious new leaves are sprouting from all the crusty, dead looking branches.
My sunken fern grotto is thriving ...
... with lots of new growth.
And I'm pretty sure I've got a couple of amaryllis on the verge of blooming ... the promise of spring is such a joy!
An afternoon of weeding and hauling things ... I've got dirty knees and happy feet.
Not sure what's next on the agenda. Taxes and paperwork and maybe some down time ... stay tuned.
with deep gratitude - kvk