drum roll please .............

First ... turns out I had feedback coming from two places - Facebook and the blog.  Seemed kind of controlling and mean-spirited to make the FB people repeat their comments on the blog, so of course I've included their names in the drawing. 

.........and the winner is:

... Marjorie Windman Oxman - a Facebook friend ... congratulations Marjorie!

And of course, a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who commented and left such excellent feedback.  It was a record number for me (19) ... seems my numbers are growing ... this would be smiling quite a bit.

If you go back to the site, per your feedback, you'll see I've made quite a few changes.  There's still more to do, like updating my text pages, Nuts & Bolts and the Maker's Mark.  I need to put on my writer's hat to do those and hopefully I'll don that chapeau in the next few days.

One thing is for sure, things are always changing around here ... me, my work, my websites ... I am ever a work in progress, flux personified ... chaos moving towards order.  But that's a good thing, n'est-ce pas?

So, once again - Thank you everyone who took the time to peruse my site and leave such excellent and constructive critiques and a big congratulations to Marjorie.  Email me and let me know your snail mail address and I'll send your goody on its way (email link is on the sidebar).

l i g a - kvk